This high-end device is suitable for difficult separation of chiral molecules.
The Shimadzu UV-3600i Plus is a spectrometer for UV-Vis measurments with a wavelength range from 185 to 3300 nm. It is equipped with three detectors over the entire measuring range.
The Optically Transparent Thin Layer Electrochemical (OTTLE) cell allows the collection of UV/VIS/NIR spectra during electrochemical experiments such as cyclic voltammetry or constant voltage. Spectra of oxidized or reduced species of the analyte can be recorded without the need to chemically oxidize/reduce the compound. The cell is equipped with a Pt mesh working electrode, a Pt mesh counter electrode and an Ag wire pseudo reference electrode, all combined in an airtight housing with CaF windows. The cell can be easily placed in a conventional spectrometer using a custom 3D-printed cell holder.
This instrument provides accurate measurements of moisture content in electrolytes, critical for evaluating and maintaining purity and performance.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measures the energy absorbed or released by a sample during heating or cooling. It is used to measure thermal effects such as melting, crystallization and glass transitions.